About us and our philosophy…

The Bierhaus en d’r Salzgass and the Bierhaus am Rhein have always been places of hospitality, cosiness and a good sense for humor. Wherever Päffgen Kölsch flows, the hearts of people from Cologne open up. But many tourists feel equally at home with us. This could be due to our delicious regional dishes on the one hand, but also to our great team. We are passionate hosts, welcome you with open arms and look forward to all of our guests from all over the world. Unless you order Kölsch-Cola.

Päffgen is one of Cologne’s oldest breweries!

We are very proud to serve our guests freshl Päffgen Kölsch on tab. The Päffgen Brewery was founded in 1883 by Herman Päffgen, so the excellent Kölsch exists for over 125 years. Päffgen is the oldest house brewery in Cologne and still brews today in its original location in the Friesenviertel.

Did you know: while nowadays the brewers “only” brew and the Köbesse draw the beer from the tab, it used to be common for both activities to be carried out by the same employees. A real full-time job that required a lot of enthusiasm, but in return it was well paid and was also rewarded with board and lodging. The brewers were part of the family.

Brauer brauen und Köbesse zappen!

Now you are wondering what a Köbes is? A waiter who works in breweries has been known as Köbes since around the 19th century. The Köbes and its way of serving are part of the typical Rhenish brewery culture. When a beer glass is empty, the Köbes puts down a new glass without ordering, unless the guest puts a beer mat on the glass or signals that he wants to pay. The often rough nature of the Köbesse is attributed to the fact that in the past they were also brewers who had to serve in the taproom.

„In Köln war alles anders. […] Man bestellt kein Kölsch in einem Brauhaus, man bekommt es zugeteilt. Ebenso wenig ist der Köbes ein Kellner, sondern ein Brauereigehilfe, dessen Stolz es ausschließt, Bier an Tische zu tragen. Sofern sich Kölner allerdings an Regeln halten, was selten genug der Fall ist, tun sie es in Erwartung der damit verbundenen Ausnahme, deren eine besagt, dass Köbesse letzten Endes doch Bier an Tische tragen, weil sie Unternehmer sind und ergo keine Kellner. […] An einen Köbes musst du glauben wie an die Vorsehung oder den Erzengel Gabriel. Dann wird alles gut.“[7] Frank Schätzing, Keine Angst, München 2007, S. 228 f.

An einen Köbes musst du glauben!

Für uns gehören unsere Köbesse ebenfalls zur Familie, ebenso jeder Koch und jede Thekenkraft sowie die Reinigungskraft am Eingang der Waschräume. Kommen Sie vorbei und überzeigen Sie sich selbst!

Here we are!

Do you want to make a reseravtaion or are you planning an event? Contact us!